Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Computer-related Inventions

                                           Computer- Related Inventions 
Image result for Wi-fi
   Imagine a world without Wi-Fi. It might not seem like a big deal but when you realize this means no smartphones, no laptops, no tablets etc. Also you would have to connect a wire to everything to get internet. The reasons why WI-FI is the greatest invention of the 21st century is that it created and will still create. It is convenient and can change our devices and life. To begin with, when you are using your tablet, Ipod, smartphone or laptop and playing games using a map or gps, sending your friends pictures on a social networking site. These and more using would not be possible without WI-Fi. WI-FI is everywhere. Modems send radio waves in its hot spot to provide wireless internet connections. This allows you to stay connected wherever you are. "In alot of ways WiFi is easier and cheaper to set up and run then a wired network." according to Wi-Fi Basics. It also allows you to connect multiple devices to one connection quickly and easily and a lot of people like that because a lot of people are inpatient. W-Fi can change our devices and life.  Wi-Fi has changed internet speed from 30mph to 50 mph.  Wi-Fi can give business owners total freedom to use particular two way transference of commercial data. Businesses and individuals are accessing information at electronic speeds from almost anywhere in the world. Wi-Fi is literally the greatest invention of the 21st century because there is nothing like it.

Class Evaluation

                                                            Class Evaluation
Image result for CTR
    1. Some things I like about this class is that you get to blog about things that are right, and I like on how we are learning about coding, I also like on how we spend time on are life plannning goals journal in class because right here is really quite and gets me to focus on more and more goals I want to complete. And I like on how Mr. Haymore talks about Choosing the right because it helps us in are futre and that will find us a way to succeed in life.
      2. I don't dislike many things in this class because it's so good so for this question I don't have a answer too.
      3. Some recommendations is that we need to get up more often and share with are classmates, and finally, more websites on coding for we can learn more.
      4. Yes, I am reading and writing my goals on my Life Planning Goals Journal, and I do it because I know i will help me in the future and lead a pathway to success. I will always have my journal or if I lose it I will write my goals down in my phone because I it is very imporant.
      5. I am committed to being a Ctr person 24/7 because it will help and lead me to success in my future and help me become a better person in general.
      6. I learn from the best Mr.haymore to always choose the right even if no one is not. And i would pass it on and let people know about this and make them understand that Ctr will help them and is very imporant.
     7. I will always remeber to spend 5 minutes in my Life Plannnign Goals to help me complete all of them and always to Choose the right and let the people know about chosing the right.