Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Class Evaluation
Class Evaluation
The things i like about this house is that you get to learn all the computer parts and how to be a CTR person. Also when we watch videos related to our topics and how we learn from those videos and improve.And also think the Life Planning Goals Journal is also important and helpful for me because it will effect you in the future and help you be better and achieve your goals. And finally the best part of the class is free time, when your done with all your stuff looked back at it and reviewed it a second time, you get to have free time which means you can do whatever you want with the computer. For example, play games go on YouTube, Code, etc. just my favorite thing about this class.
The things i don't like about this class is getting terms about your Block 1 and make flash cards about it. I don't like that because i think its pointless to the class in general because we are not learning about are Block 1 we need to learn about our class at that time and not other classes. I feel like we should just focus on our block and not other Blocks.
Some recommendations on improving and making this class better is to learn about the computer parts even more and maybe just maybe have a test on them to see if we know them all by memory.
My highlight for this class is Coding because it so cool have to make your own games and make apps, and websites. Its amazing how people do it and how long it takes to make just a simple video game. And now i learned a little more about coding and it was just great and that why it's my highlight in this class.
I did do my best in this class because i really love it and so amazing about coding and of how to plan your goals and how to CTR.
Yes, I I'm reading and writing goals down in my Life Planning Goals Journal everyday because it is very important and super helpful now and in the future. I do it every single day for at least 5 minutes a day because it i know if i do this it will effect my future in a good way and i will achieve a lot of my goals.
I I'm committed to being a CTR person because i know it will help me become better than i am now. And help me reach and complete my goals that i want now and in the future and help me choose my path of what way i will go and what i would like to be in the future. I will recommend this to everyone to have a Life Planning Journal to start planning your future now and not wait in till the last minute don't wait start now.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Innovation Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles
An Electric Vehicle is also called a Electric drive Vehicle, and this cars are powered through a collector system by electricity from off- vehicle sources, or may be self- contained with a battery, solar panels or an electric generator to convert fuel to electricity. EV's came out first in the 19 century, when electricity was for motor vehicles propulsion. But electric power has remained commonplace in other vehicles types, such as trains and smaller vehicles of all types. Electric motor power started in 1827, Slovak- Hungarian priest Anyos Jedlik built the first crude but a viable electric motor and used it on tiny cars. In January 1990, general motors introduced its EV and every since they have been improving EV and making them better and more useful till this day.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

I think this means that you need to take care of yourself and creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. Because if you don't know how to control yourself then you might not have that much confidence in yourself and won't believe in yourself. For example, it's the day of a big test you will need to be calm and control yourself and take your time in the test. And don't rush through it take your time to control yourself.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)

I think this means that you need to begin with final thing you got in mine. For you can learn even better. And this habit is of highly effective people because you think ahead and their future for they can readily be prepared for life with they grow up and be all on their own. And this is why it's really effective because you be ready and begin with the end something you thought were going to start in the future but start now.
Habit 3: Put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities"

I think this means that you need to be organize. For example, your binder for school have it organized and neat because when its comes to that day of binder check you need to have it neat,clean and in order, first things go first for you can get the best grade. Being organized will also help you be focus and you will not be stressed out from finding your things and you would know where you left everything because you will have everything organized.
Habit 4: Think Win Win Win
"Think win-win or a deal."

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

I think this means that to understand it first before doing or saying something. Also understanding the person first for you can get to meet that person in a good way because you will understand that person. So first understand to be understood, listen to that person and pay attention for you can understand them. For example, someone wants to talk to you, listen to what they have to say and you will be understood.
Habit 6: Synergize

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
I think this means that that we all need to work together to get the job done. Because two brains is better than one brain. For example, you're taking a group math test and you don't get one question you can always tell your group members for help and will come to an agreement on a answer. And it will help you a lot from learning from your mistakes.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

"Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional"
I think this means that the Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal is important because these can help you in the future. For example, "Physical can help you to get up in a great mood and not be lazy all day and be filled with energy. And ways to improve it is to exercise Another example, is Mental, it is important because its the way you act and describes you in many ways, and to see if you Mentaly are your age.
I think the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is very important and helpful. For you can learn and enjoy the 7 Habits. This is very important and helpful because it shows you how to become a better CTR person. And if you don't know whats a Ctr person it is a person who always chooses the right and never the wrong follows rules and pays attention. The 7 Habits are not just followed in school you can and will help outside of school everywhere you go it will truly help you. These 7 Habits can help you in the future and make your life way better and you can understand what it means to be CTR person and how important and helpful this is to ever single being in this world.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Importance of setting goals
Importance of Setting Goals
I think the importance of setting goals is why you should set goal and it really helps you. One reason why it could help you is because you can know but it as a reminder or a goal that you would like to achieve and complete. It will affect you in the future if you do set your goals and know the importance of setting a goal. For example, having a goals journal
I think the importance of setting goals is why you should set goal and it really helps you. One reason why it could help you is because you can know but it as a reminder or a goal that you would like to achieve and complete. It will affect you in the future if you do set your goals and know the importance of setting a goal. For example, having a goals journal
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Medical School
David Geffen School of Medicine
Requirements: You need to present an academic profile much stronger than represented by the minimum UC admission requirements Must complete the A-G requirements, (15 minimum academic preparatory courses). You also have a test requirements, applicants must submit scores on an approved core test of mathematics, language arts, and writing.
UCLA Residence Halls Off Campus Apartments
Degree offered: They have major Degrees A-Z
Requirements: You need to present an academic profile much stronger than represented by the minimum UC admission requirements Must complete the A-G requirements, (15 minimum academic preparatory courses). You also have a test requirements, applicants must submit scores on an approved core test of mathematics, language arts, and writing.
UCLA Residence Halls Off Campus Apartments
$61,618 | $60,308 |

Friday, October 20, 2017
Freelance Post- SLC
Freelance Post- SLC
Today is 10/20/2017 and yesterday was Student Led Conference (SLC) my appointment was at 6:15pm. Me, Mom, and Sister went to my SLC they greeted us and we signed up and head straight to my Advisory teacher. We got greeted again by Mr. Amaya and we signed up again and then he gave me some papers i needed to fill out. So i got a laptop and sat with my family in a table signed in to schoology and then i showed her everything in my portfolio and my grades, and what are we doing in are classes (artifacts). Then, i put the laptop top away and we had to make a schoology account to my mom for she knows what i'm doing and see my grades. Finally, i gave the papers to Mr. Amaya that i needed to fill out and then we left and went to go eat Carl's Jr. It was a good day yesterday.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities of a Photographer is to Market and advertise services to attract clients, Analyze and decide how to compose a subject, Use various photographic techniques and equipment, Capture subjects in commercial-quality photographs, Enhance the subject's appearance with natural or artificial light, Use photo Enhancement software.
Salary: $31,710
Education:Although postsecondary education is not required for most photographers, many take classes or earn a bachelor’s degree in a related field, which can improve their skills and employment prospects.Many universities, community and junior colleges, vocational–technical institutes, and private trade and technical schools offer classes in photography. Basic courses in photography cover equipment, processes, and techniques. Art schools may offer useful training in photographic design and composition.Entry-level positions in photojournalism or in industrial or scientific photography generally require a college degree in photography or in a field related to the industry in which the photographer seeks employment. For example, classes in biology, medicine, or chemistry may be useful for scientific photographers.Picture:
Reflection: Do you think you will like to be one? Why? Or Why not? Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities of a Photographer is to Market and advertise services to attract clients, Analyze and decide how to compose a subject, Use various photographic techniques and equipment, Capture subjects in commercial-quality photographs, Enhance the subject's appearance with natural or artificial light, Use photo Enhancement software.
Salary: $31,710
Education:Although postsecondary education is not required for most photographers, many take classes or earn a bachelor’s degree in a related field, which can improve their skills and employment prospects.Many universities, community and junior colleges, vocational–technical institutes, and private trade and technical schools offer classes in photography. Basic courses in photography cover equipment, processes, and techniques. Art schools may offer useful training in photographic design and composition.Entry-level positions in photojournalism or in industrial or scientific photography generally require a college degree in photography or in a field related to the industry in which the photographer seeks employment. For example, classes in biology, medicine, or chemistry may be useful for scientific photographers.Picture:
I think i would like to be one cause you can do a lot of things with a camera. And how one picture can change something or someone, i want to do that in a good way not in a bad way.
6 rules to make people like you
Six Rules To Make People Like You
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
You don't need to hate other people or else they won't like you. You need to be yourself but you also need to have respect and if you don't like them you don't need to say mean comments about them or hat on them.
Rule 2: Smile
Smiling is always important because you need to always spread positively. And make yourself positive and if you show that you are you will be a happy person and people like positive people and would like to hang out with those people because people don't like to be negative. Smile More!
Rule 3: Remember names
Remembering names is not that hard, but you need to remember names to make people like you. For example, you meet a new friend and you tell each others names the next day he/she comes up to you and say hi (your name) and you say hi but forgot his name so you made a awkward situation. You also made him/her feel bad for not remembering his/her name. And if you do remember people's name you can get people to like you and know a lot of people so that means new friends.
Rule 4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Being a good listener is always important, especially if you want people to like you. Because they will be addicting to talk to you and will feel that they have someone who understands them and a lot of people like that. Being a good listener will not just help people liking you but help you in your future , school and other real life situations. It can also help the other person by just listing to them because sometimes people just want to be heard.
Rule 5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest.

This means to talk to people in the terms they treasure the most. For example, you are talking to someone who loves soccer then tell that person, what are some things you like about soccer, what are some things you hate about soccer, who's your best player, who inspire you to play soccer, what is your favorite team. This will make that person like you but it doesn't mean you need to like what they like or pretend you like what they like, just talk in terms of the other person's interest.
Rule 6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.

This means to make other people feel important but don't fake it, do it sincerely. And we should care of others too, and help other people too. For example, someone is feeling sad cheer them up by making them feel important, that you care about them.
Final Reflection
Rule 6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.
This means to make other people feel important but don't fake it, do it sincerely. And we should care of others too, and help other people too. For example, someone is feeling sad cheer them up by making them feel important, that you care about them.
Final Reflection
My thoughts on the "6 rules to make people like you" is good advice but at the same time i disagree with this 6 rules. Because you have to do something that maybe you never or dont like doing just to make people like you. In my opinion i say just be yourself and hang out with the people that are like you (like the things you like) for you can feel comforable and safe. I do recommand you to be kind and nice to people but just be yourself. And if others judge you for being what you are don't listen to them and forget the haters.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: The number one job of a yoga therapist is to keep their clients healthy, flexible and safe. They must ensure that all the poses are executed correctly and without injury, which requires close attention to the abilities of their clients and concise instruction. Every student needs a yoga mat, and sometimes the instructor many need to provide mats that have been sanitized for their clients' use. Integrative yoga stresses a personalized practice tailored to the individual's needs, so therapists must recognize the abilities of clients.
Education:Fitness trainers and instructors typically do not require any education, but most have a high school diploma 200-hour basic certification; 500-hour professional certification is recommended for those looking to open their own business.
Picture:Duties and Responsibilities: The number one job of a yoga therapist is to keep their clients healthy, flexible and safe. They must ensure that all the poses are executed correctly and without injury, which requires close attention to the abilities of their clients and concise instruction. Every student needs a yoga mat, and sometimes the instructor many need to provide mats that have been sanitized for their clients' use. Integrative yoga stresses a personalized practice tailored to the individual's needs, so therapists must recognize the abilities of clients.
Education:Fitness trainers and instructors typically do not require any education, but most have a high school diploma 200-hour basic certification; 500-hour professional certification is recommended for those looking to open their own business.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Or Why not?
I think i would like to be one because it will be cool helping them relax and maybe even teach them how to help other people. Also it will help me and my famliy.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Mexico Earthquake
The first earthquake occurred on September 8th and the second occurred on September 19th, cumulatively resulting in several hundred deaths to date. For earthquakes to occur along the west coast of Mexico is not unusual but both these earthquakes were not as simple as they first seem and their occurrence emphasizes an often underappreciated hazard. The earthquakes occurred near a subduction zone off of the southwest coast of Mexico but their depth and style of faulting is uncommon for such a tectonic setting.Its so sad and a lot of things have been happening and it's just natural causes.That’s how earthquake early warning systems around the world work, from a research network in California to the sophisticated public alert system in Japan, which automatically slows down trains and pings an alarm in every cell phone sold in the country. But Mexico was the first country to implement a public earthquake early warning system, up and running in Mexico City just six years after the devastating ‘85 quake. Now, Mexico isn’t a country known for its investment in science or its political will for large-scale infrastructure projects. So how did they get a public early warning system off the ground so early, when California is still struggling to scrape together the cash to implement one 25 years later? And finally my final thoughts on this event is i wish everyone good luck on Mexico and hope everyone is okay and not seriously injured.
Duties and Responsibilities: A Therapist helping clinics reflect on issues to help them make a positive changes, Liaising with others (if needed) to help any changes happen, Encouraging clients to talk, Listening!
Salary: $79,840- $101,992
Education: You'll need a Masters degree in counseling , Licensure is required; includes clinical experience, state-approved exam and continuing education. Also some key skills are Strong listening, written and verbal communication, organizational and people skills, basic computer skills and familiarity with medical software and ability to use blood pressure cuff kits, flatbed scanners and electronic medical thermometers
Reflection: Do you think you would like? Why? Or Why not?
I think i would like to be one cause i will help other people with their problems and cheer them up and thats there is a negative side or the world and a positive side of the world. But i will have to deal with the person's problems and ,my own problems but i would like to challenge myself. So i would like to be one.
Duties and Responsibilities: A Therapist helping clinics reflect on issues to help them make a positive changes, Liaising with others (if needed) to help any changes happen, Encouraging clients to talk, Listening!
Salary: $79,840- $101,992
Education: You'll need a Masters degree in counseling , Licensure is required; includes clinical experience, state-approved exam and continuing education. Also some key skills are Strong listening, written and verbal communication, organizational and people skills, basic computer skills and familiarity with medical software and ability to use blood pressure cuff kits, flatbed scanners and electronic medical thermometers
Reflection: Do you think you would like? Why? Or Why not?
I think i would like to be one cause i will help other people with their problems and cheer them up and thats there is a negative side or the world and a positive side of the world. But i will have to deal with the person's problems and ,my own problems but i would like to challenge myself. So i would like to be one.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Las Vegas Shooting
Las Vegas Shooting (Thoughts)
My thoughts on this is shocking on Las Vegas of 50+ people dead and 500+ injured till this day they are finding some people dead. This mass shooting happened in October 1, 2017 all we know it was a man who started shooting and it took place in a country concert and a lot of people were their just don't know what was going on in that mans head like what was he thinking. I pray for vegas (#PrayforVegas) and hope nothing else happens. I know a lot of people's love ones died in that shooting just feel so bad for them and wish them good luck.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

John R. Noe
1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG

If you make a small plan that is like your not putting a lot of effort into it and you will not have enough time to do what you wanted to do. This is why you need to plan ahead and work long periods of time on that plan. And you should plan ahead for you can add new things to your plan and make your plan bigger that's when you are ready to use your plan you can finish that perfect and not in a rush. Finally, don't plan and work all by yourself have a friend or a family member help you out cause two brains is better than one brain.
2. Do what they fear
I think this means that you need to at least try even if you don't understand it. For example, if you are doing a math problem and you don't get it at least try cause its better than just not doing nothing. You need to do what they fear/ not understand. Cause if you don't try you will never learn even if your wrong you could learn from your mistakes cause everyone does mistakes no matter who it is or how little the mistake is.
3.Willing to prepare

I think this means to be ready at all times, always be prepared. For example, when you walk in a class you always need to be ready which is sit down get out your materials and wait quietly in till the teacher gives you instructions on what to do. This will help you a lot in the future such as being on time or doing your things on time. If you are not prepared that will effective you now a days and in the future.
4. Willing to risk failure

I think this means that to see true success is by risking failure. You need to learn from your mistakes and get better from them for you could know what to do if you do it again by accident . Sometimes mistakes can help you learn and experience true success. Also you need to risk a few things in life to get you where you wanted to be in your entire life. I’ve noticed that many people rather than trying to succeed, are trying to not fail. Doing so keeps them from achieving the personal and professional success they are looking for. For example, if your taking a quiz you need to risk taking it so its a risk failure.
5. You are teachable

I think this means that you need to be able to learn while you are being taught. For example, you go to your math class and they show a new lesson and teach the whole class including you, you need to know what the lesson is about or ask questions if you don't. Because the more you listen, the more you know so pay attention and get the work done that you are assigned to by your teacher. It will also help if you open your mind, learn and grow.
6. High Achievers have heart

I think this means that you need to have emotion and be a good person. For example, you see a dog/cat in need of help its hungry,thirsty, and injured, you need to have a heart and help the little animal out and this does not mean you need to take it home that's only if you want to, at least give the little poor animal some food and water., or the best way is to take it to the vet. Some things to have a heart is to random acts of kindness to help and spread positively to your community and the world.

John R. Noe
1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG

If you make a small plan that is like your not putting a lot of effort into it and you will not have enough time to do what you wanted to do. This is why you need to plan ahead and work long periods of time on that plan. And you should plan ahead for you can add new things to your plan and make your plan bigger that's when you are ready to use your plan you can finish that perfect and not in a rush. Finally, don't plan and work all by yourself have a friend or a family member help you out cause two brains is better than one brain.
2. Do what they fear

I think this means that you need to at least try even if you don't understand it. For example, if you are doing a math problem and you don't get it at least try cause its better than just not doing nothing. You need to do what they fear/ not understand. Cause if you don't try you will never learn even if your wrong you could learn from your mistakes cause everyone does mistakes no matter who it is or how little the mistake is.
3.Willing to prepare

I think this means to be ready at all times, always be prepared. For example, when you walk in a class you always need to be ready which is sit down get out your materials and wait quietly in till the teacher gives you instructions on what to do. This will help you a lot in the future such as being on time or doing your things on time. If you are not prepared that will effective you now a days and in the future.
4. Willing to risk failure
I think this means that to see true success is by risking failure. You need to learn from your mistakes and get better from them for you could know what to do if you do it again by accident . Sometimes mistakes can help you learn and experience true success. Also you need to risk a few things in life to get you where you wanted to be in your entire life. I’ve noticed that many people rather than trying to succeed, are trying to not fail. Doing so keeps them from achieving the personal and professional success they are looking for. For example, if your taking a quiz you need to risk taking it so its a risk failure.
5. You are teachable
I think this means that you need to be able to learn while you are being taught. For example, you go to your math class and they show a new lesson and teach the whole class including you, you need to know what the lesson is about or ask questions if you don't. Because the more you listen, the more you know so pay attention and get the work done that you are assigned to by your teacher. It will also help if you open your mind, learn and grow.
6. High Achievers have heart
I think this means that you need to have emotion and be a good person. For example, you see a dog/cat in need of help its hungry,thirsty, and injured, you need to have a heart and help the little animal out and this does not mean you need to take it home that's only if you want to, at least give the little poor animal some food and water., or the best way is to take it to the vet. Some things to have a heart is to random acts of kindness to help and spread positively to your community and the world.
Monday, September 11, 2017
My thoughts on the 9/11 is why?, why would they throw their life like that just to destroy thousands of lives. The terrorist killed their people to kill even more of ours did they not think of their family were they force too why did they sacrifice their life just to kill innocent people because we are their "enemy". A lot of people died that day even people who tried to help its just so sad what happened to them they didn't even see it coming not even a warning it was all planned out just sad. I could image how some people felt when they heard the twin towers collapse and they remember a love one worked or was their, how hurt and sad will they feel all i know if a love one was in that situation i will burst in to tears. At least they punished the people who were responsible for this but the damage is done but we will never forget the day 9/11.
My thoughts on the 9/11 is why?, why would they throw their life like that just to destroy thousands of lives. The terrorist killed their people to kill even more of ours did they not think of their family were they force too why did they sacrifice their life just to kill innocent people because we are their "enemy". A lot of people died that day even people who tried to help its just so sad what happened to them they didn't even see it coming not even a warning it was all planned out just sad. I could image how some people felt when they heard the twin towers collapse and they remember a love one worked or was their, how hurt and sad will they feel all i know if a love one was in that situation i will burst in to tears. At least they punished the people who were responsible for this but the damage is done but we will never forget the day 9/11.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Sophomore Year 2017
Sophomore Year 2017
School started at August 15,2017 i wasn't really nervous what teacher i was going to get cause this school is great, i don't have nothing to worry about. When i went to school and got to my first class after academy and i felt something funny and i realized I'm a 10th grader it feels like just yesterday that i was a Freshmen but now I'm not I'm a Sophomore. Till this day i still don't feel like a Sophomore but since i I'm i need to try my best to past all my classes and get good grades i need to change and be better than how i was in Freshmen Year. Hopefully i join Soccer this Year cause i promised that i was going to try to join and see if i get in. And also this year i want to make my parents proud of me on how much i improved. And my classes are not as bad i thought they were going to be they are good and i do like all my classes and hopefully i could pass every single class with a C or better.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
9 Ways
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of Your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful
Being Grateful is a way to feel or show a acceptation on kindness and thankful to others or others make you feel it. Grateful is one of the ways to be happy and make something of your life and get you to a lot of things to help you out or help someone else out. Some things to be grateful is have a great attitude, always have a positive attitude. You also need to have kindness and are thankful to others or others that make you feel that way, and help you go far and help you achieve your goals,future, and your career. Being grateful also is to help others and if you do, you will find a deep sense of happiness and how it is the missing ingredient to success which is "Help others". Some ways to be grateful is have a life planning goal journal to have a long-term for being thankful and just practice meditation.
2.Be Smart
Being Smart is having or showing a quick -written intelligence. Smart is one of the ways to be happy of your life and successful. Some tips to get smarter is too have some time off online and other social media stuff. If you learn something new write it down to review it, and also make a life planning goals journal, always pick the right friends don't pick friends that push you in to drugs or alcohol., You need to read a lot by that i mean read everyday to get smarter every single day. And finally do something new cause if you do you will learn and that will get you even smarter.
3. Be Involved

Being Involved is to join a club or a sport like participate in activities, and events that is what it means to be Involved. You need to be Involved to show you are not shy and if you do be Involved you will do way better in your presentations if you are shy. Also if you are Involved the college people will look at that and it will look good that you participated and might have a better chance to get accepted. It is so important to be involved because it helps you connect with others, it improves life and strengthens your community or school.
4. Be Clean
Being Clean is like being organized and if you are clean it can help in many ways such as school. A clean person appears diligent, pleasant and inoffensive to others. Cleanliness has come to be associated with godliness, because it suggests health, self-care and respect for others who come into contact with you. Being a clean person can enhance your life and make you somebody in your life. Happiness is being clean cause it helps you.
5. Be True

Being True is when you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world. You have to be honest and never lie to no one that was a true person is also if someone tells you a secret and its very embarrassing and doesn't want you to tell anyone you keep that secret and don't tell anyone. Being true can help you get trust from other people and that's good but if you are not being true you will lose trust from other people.
6. Be Positive

Being positive is when you don't have a negative attitude you have a good,ctr, and helpful attitude. Some ways to always have a positive mind is to have a smile and don't think about the negative things in life think about the positive things in life and you will be a happy person. Also help people out like acts of kindness.
7. Be Humble
Being Humble is when you are not thinking of yourself as better than other people. Because no one is perfect not even you, even if you have money and a big house and great family you will have negative things still happened to you so your not perfect but that's okay. The world is filled with negativity and that's why you need to spread positivity and make the world a better and better place.
|8. Be Still
Being a Still person means to not make a sound or a move also not being in a rush. When your taking a test you need to be still but you need to make a move not a sound and totally not be on a rush on the test. Also to just clam down and don't take it all in a rush, because if you do you will get things in complete but incorrect this is why you take your time and use it wisely.
9.Be prayerful
Summer 2017
Summer 2017
My Summer was not that fun, didn't go travel not even a road trip, I was home all Summer and just with my family. I also had to go to Summer School cause i didn't pass my English class so that was not fun at all. I had to wake up early everyday, i thought i was going to have a good relaxing Summer but it was just like going back to school. But when i finished Summer school i had 2 weeks to relaxed so all i did was spent time with my family and sleep. So i didn't really have a fun Summer but i did have plenty of sleep, but at least i get to hang out with my friends in Summer school some of them where there. Also me and my family will make food for all the family including my aunts, uncles and cousins.
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