9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of Your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful
Being Grateful is a way to feel or show a acceptation on kindness and thankful to others or others make you feel it. Grateful is one of the ways to be happy and make something of your life and get you to a lot of things to help you out or help someone else out. Some things to be grateful is have a great attitude, always have a positive attitude. You also need to have kindness and are thankful to others or others that make you feel that way, and help you go far and help you achieve your goals,future, and your career. Being grateful also is to help others and if you do, you will find a deep sense of happiness and how it is the missing ingredient to success which is "Help others". Some ways to be grateful is have a life planning goal journal to have a long-term for being thankful and just practice meditation.
2.Be Smart
Being Smart is having or showing a quick -written intelligence. Smart is one of the ways to be happy of your life and successful. Some tips to get smarter is too have some time off online and other social media stuff. If you learn something new write it down to review it, and also make a life planning goals journal, always pick the right friends don't pick friends that push you in to drugs or alcohol., You need to read a lot by that i mean read everyday to get smarter every single day. And finally do something new cause if you do you will learn and that will get you even smarter.
3. Be Involved

Being Involved is to join a club or a sport like participate in activities, and events that is what it means to be Involved. You need to be Involved to show you are not shy and if you do be Involved you will do way better in your presentations if you are shy. Also if you are Involved the college people will look at that and it will look good that you participated and might have a better chance to get accepted. It is so important to be involved because it helps you connect with others, it improves life and strengthens your community or school.
4. Be Clean
Being Clean is like being organized and if you are clean it can help in many ways such as school. A clean person appears diligent, pleasant and inoffensive to others. Cleanliness has come to be associated with godliness, because it suggests health, self-care and respect for others who come into contact with you. Being a clean person can enhance your life and make you somebody in your life. Happiness is being clean cause it helps you.
5. Be True

Being True is when you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world. You have to be honest and never lie to no one that was a true person is also if someone tells you a secret and its very embarrassing and doesn't want you to tell anyone you keep that secret and don't tell anyone. Being true can help you get trust from other people and that's good but if you are not being true you will lose trust from other people.
6. Be Positive

Being positive is when you don't have a negative attitude you have a good,ctr, and helpful attitude. Some ways to always have a positive mind is to have a smile and don't think about the negative things in life think about the positive things in life and you will be a happy person. Also help people out like acts of kindness.
7. Be Humble
Being Humble is when you are not thinking of yourself as better than other people. Because no one is perfect not even you, even if you have money and a big house and great family you will have negative things still happened to you so your not perfect but that's okay. The world is filled with negativity and that's why you need to spread positivity and make the world a better and better place.
|8. Be Still
Being a Still person means to not make a sound or a move also not being in a rush. When your taking a test you need to be still but you need to make a move not a sound and totally not be on a rush on the test. Also to just clam down and don't take it all in a rush, because if you do you will get things in complete but incorrect this is why you take your time and use it wisely.
9.Be prayerful
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