Christmas Winter Break
During my Winter Break I did a lot of stuff I never done before and went to a lot of places. One of the places I went too was Las Vegas, we went with my family which was three cars we had to take and stayed in a hotel and once we got there we all went to bed because we got there so late. And after we went out to explore and see Las Vegas it was so cool, i got to see many parts of Las Vegas i never saw before and in the night there was so many lights. And then we came back to LA and spend Christmas in my aunt's house and we ate good food and opened gift's, and what i got for Christmas was clothes and a new game (Fifia 18) for my gaming System (Ps4). Then, for New Year's my mom and my sister went to San Jose it was kinda boring because not that much of my family members were there and all the stores were like 30 minutes away. And after that we stayed with my aunt in San Jose and went with them to San Francisco and that was fun because we get to see the Golden Gate Bridge and the beach and a island that is a prison, it was really cool. And then stayed with my aunt in San Jose in till Friday, (1/5/2018) and when i got back i got sick the worst day because i was going to start school in 3 more days. And that's how i spend my Winter Break.

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